Labor unions often seek solutions to outstanding issues - both between the union and an employer as well as within the union itself - through arbitration or litigation.  Issues at hand often have financial ramifications, with parties seeking damages or other economic remedies or outcomes.  JJC can provide professional assistance and advice in the context of: 


  • Assessment of union, corporate or industry history, environment, characteristics, operations, results, condition and/or outlook.
  • Evaluation of potential claims, damages or proposed outcomes. This can include employment income, benefits, job opportunities, seniority list integration, career earnings or the allocation of funds or payments.
  • Development of analyses, forecasts, written reports and exhibits as appropriate.

  • Strategic advice, including risk analysis and assistance in settlement negotiations/mediation.
  • Expert witness on economic and financial matters.
  • ​Mr. Johnson has been certified as an expert witness on pilot collective bargaining, airline economic and financial analysis, contract costing and pilot compensation.  He has testified and an expert in arbitrations, U.S. District Court and U.S Bankruptcy Court proceedings.

Jalmer Johnson Consulting, LLC